Last week, I had the chance to “Twitterview” (Twitter + interview) Jennifer Baier, Senior Program Specialist of Technology and Volunteer Engagement at the AARP Illinois State Office, as a follow-up to her Social Media Week presentation, Demystifying Social Media for Seniors and Beyond.
We’ve heard that those over 50 are one of the fastest growing demographics on social networks, but what exactly are older adults doing online? Besides looking at photos of their kids and grandkids, they are using social media for advocacy, healthcare and job hunting. Take a look below to view our live Twitter Q&A exchange to find out more about what’s getting some seniors plugged in and what’s still keeping some offline.
kaitlin_doody: Hi @nanifu from @aarpillinois! Thanks for taking the time to chat today about social media for seniors. #smwchicago #socialmedia101
aarpillinois: @kaitlin_doody No problem glad for the opportunity – we love to talk #socialmedia101 and #smwchicago was awesome!
kaitlin_doody: We’re doing a follow up “Twitterview” to her presentation during @SMWChicago’s Demystifying Social Media for Seniors and Beyond. #smwchicago
kaitlin_doody: If anyone else has questions for @aarpillinois, feel free to chime in or DM me! #smwchicago #socialmedia101
kaitlin_doody: @aarpillinois Q1: To start, tell us what you, @nanifu, do for AARP. #smwchicago #socialmedia101
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A1: I do “digital technology” train our staff and members on using Social Media ie Facebook & Twitter #socialmedia101
kaitlin_doody: @aarpillinois Q2: What is the fastest growing demographic on Facebook? #smwchicago #socialmedia101 #fb
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A2: According to PEW those over 50 are the fastest growing Twitter and FB demographic! #socialmedia101
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A2 they want to keep in touch with their kids and grandkids! Makes sense
kaitlin_doody: @aarpillinois Q3: Great article from @pewinternet! But why are some seniors reluctant to get involved? #smwchicago #socialmedia101 #SMW11
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A3: The #1 reason we hear is privacy concerns. We go through privacy settings in each training session. #socialmedia101 #fb
aarpillinois: @kaitlin_doody A3 sometimes it’s just a fear of the unknown or thinking there’s really nothing in it for them #socialmedia101
kaitlin_doody: @aarpillinois Q4: Good point, so what usually gets seniors to “take the plunge” and sign up for FB or Twitter? #smwchicago #socialmedia101
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A4 cute and adorable #grandchildren online #job hunting and ability to do online #advocacy #socialmedia101 #smw11
kaitlin_doody: @aarpillinois Q5: Once they get signed up, what are seniors’ favorite online activities? #smwchicago # socialmedia101 #SMW11
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A5: Connecting with family and friends is a big one. Our members are also very involved in online advocacy #socialmedia101
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A5 you probably know that the biggest voting block is the 50+ they’re paying attention to their legislators! #socialmedia101
kaitlin_doody: @aarpillinois Q6: Ah ok, that’s interesting! Can you give example of how they use social media for advocacy? #smwchicago #socialmedia101
aarpillinois: @kaitlin_doody A6: Lots! They fill out online #petitions reply to action alerts and send lots and lots of emails.
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A6 here’s an example of an action alert. It generated thousands of emails to IL legislators!
kaitlin_doody: Cool, thx for sharing! MT @aarpillinois here’s example of action alert. It generated 1000s of emails to IL legislators!
kaitlin_doody: @aarpillinois Q7: Are seniors using social media for health information? If so, how? #smwchicago #socialmedia101 #SMW11
aarpillinois: @kaitlin_doody A7 Absolutely! They ask their family and friends for advice in status updates some follow their docs on #fb or #twitter
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A7 they’re also using it to STAY healthy. They search for tips on #brain health and #active aging #socialmedia101
kaitlin_doody: @aarpillinois Q8: Can you think of any major brands (besides AARP) that are targeting seniors on #FB or Twitter? #smwchicago #socialmedia101
aarpillinois: @kaitlin_doody A8: Lots of companies are engaging with #boomers. They change the way we think and the way we do business. #socialmedia101
kaitlin_doody: @aarpillinois Q9: What advice should ppl my age give to our parents/g-parents who are reluctant to “go social”? #smwchicago #socialmedia101
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A9: It’s a great way to stay in touch. Privacy concerns are valid. #socialmedia101 #smwchicago
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A9: There are lots of free classes to get you started. It may not be for everyone but give it a shot! #socialmedia101
kaitlin_doody: @aarpillinois Q10: This has been great! Any other info to share? Or places for more info about social media for seniors/boomers? #smwchicago
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A10: Here’s a #fb101 to get them started @aarp has resource center #socialmedia101
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A10 the help centers of Facebook and twitter are very good too! and
aarpillinois: .@kaitlin_doody A10: Facebook and Twitter friends love to help too! Just ask your friends if you get stuck! #socialmedia101 #smwchicago
aarpillinois: . @kaitlin_doody thanks for the opportunity to talk with you today, it’s been fun!
kaitlin_doody: Thank you @aarpillinois and @nanifu for your time tonight! Great “Twitterviewing” you! #smwchicago #socialmedia101 #SMW11
This post is an installment in a series of posts tracking Spectrum’s involvement in September’s Social Media Week (SMW). We were excited to be on-the-ground in Chicago, capturing the excitement of the city’s first-ever SMW. Social Media Week is a twice-annual global event that brings together all things digital and encourages conversations around emerging trends in social media through panel discussion, social events, educational seminars and more. This winter, Spectrum is looking forward to participating in Washington, D.C.’s inaugural Social Media Week in February 2012.